This is a merger between beloved pet and art. Because sphynx cat species has no feathers on all parts of his body, this cat's skin can be tattooed as in human skin, a beauty tattoo artwork can be seen from the pet cat. For those of you who love the art of tattooing is very suitable animals, as shown on this page, pets and the owners of animals had the same tattoo on their skin.

Clown tattoo on the sphynx cat

Wonderfull art tattoed on pets

Sphynx cat tattoed sphynx

Sphynx cat and owner alike tattooed

Cute sphynx cat skin tattoo
Let us keep and preserve animals on this earth
the animals have to be sedated for hours.its very painful,and can get infected.Its despicable !
Sign me,
A sphynx owner with a brain and no ridiculous vanities I put on my pets.
Although it makes them look cool, if I ever had a sphynx, I'd never ever tattoo it. These cats are beautiful on their own.
Besides, in my opinion I think full body tattoos are pretty gross cause it makes you look like a lizard.
If you wanna look like that then fine but don't make your cat risk infection just because you want a matching accessory...a stick-on tattoo might be fine though :)
This is stupid. Perhaps the most idiotic form of 'pet modification' I've ever seen! Who the hell tattoos their cat? Who the hell gives their cat 'punk piercings'?!
By the way, cat's don't have feathers.
yes sphynx cats have no hair type, perhaps because it is the owners have thought to make his body tattoo.
maybe it is this wrong, but if you talk to people addicted to tattoos and a love of art, we will get a different story :)
I am tatooed but I would never do it to my cat, nor to any other animal. A cat has never thought about having its skin tatooed. He doesn't understand neither the coolness, nor the art of it. Not because he's stupid, he's just different from human beings and I think to love means to respect creatures as they are. As far as I'm concerned this should be illegal, as any form of mistreatment on animals.
this is the most rediculous thing ive ever seen. whoever would tattoos and pierce an animal is sick in the head and should be arrested or at least fined for animal cuelty. Seriously! this is sickening!
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