Ragdoll kittens is one of the largest domesticated cat breeds with a sturdy body, frame and disproportionately large feet. This cat breed with blue eyes and coat colorpoint different. Ragdoll hairs is softer and most of them are born with hairs is thick and fluffy. And most importantly, Ragdoll cat is a benign group. Ragdoll cat is a cat the most obedient of all kinds kucing.Mempunyai four types of colors: seal, blue, and chocolate, lilac. At the time the kitten, ragdoll born with white and then the other colors appear. The more adult ragdoll cats, the color will be more concentrated. Ragdoll familiar with humans and adaptable. Compared to the Persians, ragdoll does not require daily combing hairs. They are very gentle, relaxed and affectionate. They were so tame that can be harmful to them is to go out because they will not defend themselves if they attack other animals. Ragdoll named because of their peculiar habits like lying in your arms. These cats are very affectionate and friendly so that our pets can be very good. Ragdoll cats are also known as a quick learner.

Appearance of the Ragdoll Kittens
Face of the Ragdoll Cats
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