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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ragdoll Cat

ragdoll cat species pets picture
Docile, and the floppy nature of the Ragdoll is characterized by the idea inherited from the Persian and the Siamese breed. On the contrary opinions if this may be the result of genetic mutation.The extreme adaptability, and some have led to the myth that Ragdolls are pain-resistant. Some breeders in Britain have sought to increase softness of concern that the extreme adaptability "can not have the interest of the cat. There have been several reports of random ragdoll approaching the car in motion, vicious dogs and hurt themselves. The breed standard to describe the Ragdoll so affectionate, intelligent, laid-back nature, kind and easy to handle.

ragdoll cat species pets picture
Ragdoll Cat

ragdoll cat species pets picture
Little Ragdol Picture

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Ragdoll Picture
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