Friday, May 25, 2012

Squirrel Colors

Prevost squirrel is one off squirrel that has a beautiful appearance. Prevost squirrel has three colors as shown in the picture, because it's a squirrel is also known by the color of a squirrel. Prevost squirrel is a type of tree squirrels because his fingers were strong and havesharp claws, making it possible to adapt a squirrel in a tree well, jump from tree to tree.
Prevost squirrel food is generally the seeds, fruit, leaves of young plants and sometimes squirrels also eat insects as a nutritional requirement.
Another squirrel has three colors is Plantain squirrel, behavior, and both have the same food. At this time the deployment of these animals existing in the world, because of trade or kind.

Prevost Squirrel


Plantain Squirrel

source image Plantain squirrel
Because this squirrel has a beautiful appearance and funny, this squirrel is oftenmade as a pet, this is very entertaining to see squirrels, especially during this squirrelwas eating, their teeth are sharp, amounting to two in front of the functioned as a means to cut food and also to peel food.

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Great White Shark

Great white shark is one of the world's largest predator. They live almost the entire coastal area of ​​the world, but more cold waters found in the region.
Because some events Great white sharks attack humans, it makes them have a very bad reputation in the eyes of man, and with films about white sharks are scary from their behavior, it makes the white shark's reputation worse.
And now with the scientific research that studies the behavior and properties of white shark great white shark of the bad reputation began to decline, although the fear is still there.

The great white shark's body is designed as a killing machine;
Structure just as torpedo-shaped body and strong muscles which are all parts of the body, especially on the tail, make a great white shark can glide at high speed in the water, this is the key to success in the hunt.
structure of jagged teeth and strong muscles are found in great white jaws allows to hold their prey can not be separated.
Shape of the eye that can see almost all around it.
Surface of the white shark skin is gray it makes the white shark can be camouflaged with excellent towing.
And one that makes great white shark to be effective hunters are electromagnetic sensors located throughout the body, especially on the head end, the electromagnetic sensore connected directly to the brain, so that the great white shark is able to know the surrounding circumstances that exist outside the state even water. shark released from the head end of the water, this is done to determine the circumstances surrounding the outside of the water.

No one knows how long great white shark will live.
From the great white shark food is seals, birds and other animals. In a video or news we are great white sharks attack humans, this occurs because of a misunderstanding, thinking that sharks are surfers or swimmers as prey, seals, this is because sharks see in black and white view, so it can not distinguish between humans and their prey in fact (in scientific research)
Legal and illegal hunting great white sharks every year, estimated to number in the thousands more who make a great white shark population of this endangered species.

Serrated teeth great white shark.

Electromagnetic sensor body

Electromagnetic sensor head

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cheetah Lives

Cheetah is famous for his prowess as a hunter, he is the fastest mammal in the world.
Tanzania Serengeti National Park which is the last for the life of wildlife such as the cheetah in the wild.
Some animals that are hunted deer thomson, wildebeest, rabbits and others.
Female cheetah raising her own child, the child will join her mother cheetah, see and learn to hunt, cheetah children will live with her mother until they are 15 months and features a capability that they have enough to survive.
Lion is the biggest killer among other heewan, especially for the young cheetah, and why do lions kill cheetah small, this may be due to reduced competition (in the matter of food).
We often see in the video was a cheetah on a tree, this is not a means cheetah is an animal who is good at climbing, but it chetah can climb trees, it is because it can be useful to defend against opponents such as lions and hyenas.
Lives of ordinary cheetah move, especially when no animals can be hunted.
source: Video Animal planet Volume 4

little cheetah with mother

Cheetah the fastest animal Video

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Seals are carnivorous mammals that can be found in the region of water ice. At first, seals belong to the suborder Pinnipedia, but now it has shifted the suborder category to category superfamilia.Currently, the seals put in a joint family Odobenidae Caniformia suborder (marine bear / walrus), Otariidae (sea lions), and Phocidae. Recent molecular analyzes have shown that the seal bears the closest relatives. Another hypothesis says that seals are true seals polifiletik the ancestral form of animals such as otters while the other seal species derived from a common ancestor of animals such as bears, but recent molecular studies that have been mentioned previously to ensure that all types of seals is monophyletic, which is derived from a common ancestor. source wikipedia

Most of the seals that inhabit the cold North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, But there is also an area being able to survive. Seals leave the water at least once a year, at the time of birth season.Female seals give birth on land, they migrate from the cold of the open ocean is warmer stricken before their child was born. Pups were treated in a certain period, usually within a few months spent on the ground. their daily diet is a type of fish, insects, squid and clams.
  • Characteristics of the seal body
Seals have a slender body, rounded at the middle and tapered at the ends, with a thick layer of fat under the skin. Their limbs are short and their feet are webbed front and rear modified as flippers.
Seals have no external ears but those projections have a functional ear.
Seals have strong nails, which they usually used to climb on the ice after a hunt for food at sea and diganakan to open the shells.
They have short hair colored and thick so as to protect the body from cold temperatures, the seals also have a thick layer of fat to keep them warm, helping them float, and feed them when they can not get food.
Color seals have a varied pattern is a combination of color and gray nipple.

Picture of Baby Seals

White Colors

Gray Colors

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Ocicat evolved from two popular breeds are the Abyssinian and Siamese. In 1964, Virginia Daly, a cat breeder from Berkeley, Mich., raising Abyssinian cats with Siamese and produced kittens. Furthermore, two strains were crossed with the American Shorthair and Ocicat cats produce.
Ocicat Cats interest because it is similar to Ocelot cat the endangered, but the Ocicat cat has a tail that is longer than any other cat. (source history Ocicat)
  • Appearance

Ocicat is a domestic cat but the race that resembles a wild cat has no blood though Ocicat has a temperament like a wild and domestic cats. Ocicat is a large cat with a big bone and muscle athletic appearance. Ocicat bodied dense, hard and rather long-bodied with a full body.
Ocicat has short hair, smooth, and satin, in a typical pattern seen with the markings on the head, spine, legs and tail. Ocicat coat color comes in many colors, including chocolate, chocolate, cinnamon, silver, and blue. Ocicat males weigh about 9-14 pounds, while for female Ocicat approximately 6-9 pounds.
  • Behavior
Ocicat including a smart cat, so easy in practice. Energetic behavior of the cat she likes to jump into the cabinet and other high places to check out their neighborhood, walking on the rope, and respond to voice commands owners. Ocicat is kind of amazing because Ocicat cats can adapt well to new pets and for children. Ocicats will adapt to family life that will get him. Do not leave cats ocicat home alone in a long time, because maybe he will run away from your home.

picture of Ocicat

Behavior of cats ocicat video

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